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Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Raymond here, back from a beautiful 3-day hike to Lesotho. Okay I didn’t really go but the excitement from the returning guests and the stories they told - I have to admit - made me kind of envious. Usually I sit surveying my kingdom while my subjects do my bidding, but with the new addition of guided hikes on the Khotso menu’ve been awfully tempted to explore the mountains on and around the farm and venture into the wilds of Lesotho with Vicky, our Resident Mountain Guide.

Hiking alone in the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Ukahlamba-Maloti Drakensberg never appealed to me, but I now have a Resident Mountain Guide living in my garden who has mapped out some spectacular routes that she loves guiding people (and cats) on and I’ve booked to join a guided hike next week!


She has half day and full day hikes on the farm where people (and cats) can see waterfalls, incredible views, hike on beautiful single-track pathways, see wildlife like Eland, Black-backed Jackal, and delicious - I mean beautiful - birds. The variety of wildlife will put the Kruger Park to shame - okay, I’ve never been to the Kruger Park but we have some very good wildlife sightings right here in Underberg.


If you’re super fit like my cohort, Pebbles, there are some strenuous hikes to choose from. If you’re a house cat like me, there are some gentle walks you can do too - there’s one along the river to the Olde Duck where you can buy some lunch, and all the other hikes include snacks, lunch and good company. Bring something to swim in in summer - there are so many pools along the way, and rocks to jump off into the water.


Okay, all this talk of hiking is making me hungry. I’m off to raid the backpackers food supplies.


Raymond rules Khotso horse trails

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