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New Raymond blog spot!

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Just as I was getting used to the peace and quiet of a day with no guests, I suddenly heard power tools come on. All the lounge furniture was moved outside and the beds were taken out of the rooms! Everything was topsy turvy and so so noisy I didn’t know what was going on. So, I pranced down to check what was happening in MY kingdom, or what the humans call, ‘The Backpackers’. All I could smell was concrete and Wet paint! They have changed everything! The humans seem very excited about the new look and I’ll admit, it does look pretty great, although don’t let them know I think that! I started off looking through the doorway to the backpackers-and Woah! There was anew door-I was very impressed! Looking over into the dormitory I noticed that gone were the old mattresses and wooden beds and in their place were sleek, silver, metal, beautiful bunks with the most comfortable, thick mattresses and brand new duvets, pillows and sheets! What an upgrade-and there are 6 new beds for me to sleep in (although the humans call my beds “lockers” and say it’s for guests to store their things). As I left the dorm I saw my arch-nemesis (and secret best friend)Pebbles race from the lounge sporting grey, paint clad paws! They patched all the cement on the floor and repainted it-hilarious that Pebbles got her feet wet. They’ve also added some beautiful photos to the walls of the backpackers-all these strange people from Lesotho and from their horse rides through Sehlabathebe Nature Reserve, they keep saying it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site-which sounds impressive, even to a cat of my importance. The doors to all the rooms have also been painted with some new designs and everything has a fresh coat of paint. The volunteers have been sanding down the furniture and I even saw one on the roof sanding and repainting the gutters!! Khotso looks brand new-I feel like a kitten again it’s so exciting to be in this totally revamped place!I’m only writing this for your benefit, so you can know what to expect when you come back here-I need to maintain my aloof status here so don’t let them know how much I actually love it. Thanks, Raymond.

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